It was a good day for business in Northern California last Friday.
Domestigirl and I had Dim Sum to fuel us for Stitches West.
As you can see, the food was quite tasty.
When we got to the convention center we browsed a bit before both buying Swifts, and a few small notions. We decided to drop our first purchases off at the car. That's when the real fun began.
Admittedly not the most flattering picture of me giving the soda machine the one finger salute. But it served a purpose. Directly after the machine ate my $2.oo (!), a Convention Employee came by and brought by two Diet Cokes for me and Kirsten. Those were good times.
Kirsten insisted on taking a money shot.
We paid a smooth $5 USD to learn to spin at the Serendipity Spinners booth. I felt a lot of emotions while there, and I have to say "Serendipity" was not one of them. Here's Kirsten with her first spin on the drop spindle. Does she look begrudging?
Here's a superfluous shot of Rogue Sleeves. Still unfinished.
I have a damn good reason for not being finished. But you'll have to wait until the next installment to satiate your burning burning curiousity.
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